Hello October

I suppose you could say this ‘old blog of mine has been neglected the last few years, and that would be fair.

The world took lots of turns since February 2019, and it’s been a busy enough time just keeping up with all the change going on outside our doors and within.

As I write this, it’s 6:45am in a Tuesday morning and I’m getting ready to head into the office for work. I had an extra bit of time because when I first woke up to feed our cats, I thought it already was 6:45 so I got all ready to go, only to realize I had another whole hour to go.

Rather than go back to bed for that hour I did a little cleaning and browsing twitter and instagram and came back to my own profile, clicked my link, and ended up back here checking on my site.

So, this entry is essentially just a test to see how easy I is to blog from my phone, at 6am, laying on the couch, when I have a few minutes to write out some thoughts of my own, for my own record.

Life has a way of filling up all the moments in your calendar, and as a quote I just read on another person’s instagram or Twitter post, success is measured by how full your calendar is. The less full it is, the more successful you are.

And it would seem my calendar is pretty full these days even if my actual Outlook calendar doesn’t show it. So if I want to squeeze in some time for self-reflection (or blogging through it like this) then it has to get prioritized.

So, while I have to set out on my drive to work now, this felt good, and I will put it on my plan to do more often in the coming weeks.

Till then.